You see it all around. Stores. Mantles in homes. The front lawns of churches. Even on greeting cards. What is it? The Nativity. The picturesque scene of sheep, cows, a donkey, shepherds, wise men, Joseph, Mary and there in the center baby Jesus wrapped up laying in the manger. It looks so warm, cozy and clean. I am sure it was anything but all of those things. I have been to farms. I have seen barns and feed troughs that the animals eat out of. Hardly the place to put the King of Kings. But then I wonder... maybe it was the perfect place to put Jesus.
Wasn't the manger the very place the animals went for their food? It was in the manger that the animals found what gave them life. Food. In John 6:35, Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." I am assuming that you like to eat just like I do. Eating is kind of important--if you want to live. Jesus reminds us that just as we need to eat to live, we also need Him. So, during this Christmas season when you see the baby Jesus laying in the manger, ask yourself this question--have I eaten today?
Pastor Dan