"Sometimes during this part of the year, I am reminded of the old song, "Showers of Blessings". From time to time, living in Oregon, it can be easy to think that we get way too many blessings! We can get tired of the rain and all the grey days and long for the warmth of the sunshine. It can be easy to forget what a blessing the rain truly is.
Recently, my family drove through the state of California. During our trip we passed several orchards of nothing but dead trees. Rows and rows of trees who once produced fruit but were now dead because of the lack of water. Like any living thing, we need the showers of God's blessings to be alive, grow and be fruitful. And as the old song says, "Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead."
Pastor Dan